What is Stileboad?

Stile Board is made of 100% waterproof XPS foam CFC-free core, reinforced with fiberglass mesh on both sides, coated with modified polymer mortar at multiple thickness and sizes to provide a user-friendly product for easy installation to any Bathroom. Stile Board brings superior strength and bonding surface for your tiles. XPS is also a great insulation material.

Our Company

For generations, our family has been in the tiling and bathroom industry. Since 1954 we have been tiling and renovating homes, 67 years of experience passed on from Grandfather to Son then Son to Grandson. Stile Board is the third generation with a fresh new way of thinking and a burning belief that there is a better way. Its tech is huge in the USA, UK and Europe and now with a twist to the process now pending patent, is tailor made for our market and ready to take Australia by storm. Stile Board is the future of bathroom installation technology in Australia. 

Every Installer wants more time in the day !

The more time in the day delivers more volume/output which directly translates to more revenue.100% fact.

What if you found a product that delivers one of the most precious commodities of all, both time and money?

Welcome to Stile Board, the future of bathroom renovation technology that effectively makes the old-fashioned way redundant.

Its installed 75% faster

It’s up to 30% cheaper

Customers are happy having saved money and having tradies spend far less time in their homes, in fact up to 10 days less which is a game changer for both consumers and tradies alike.

Why does Stile Board save time and money?  The Stile Board system saves on 3-4 trades coming into the home and ultimately completing 4-5 stages of work when doing it the old-fashioned way.

Stile Board has now reduced the process to 1 trade and 1 stage Let’s look at the facts. Including the dry time used in the traditional method, bathrooms are out of commission for 8-12 days.  

With the Stile Board system your bathroom will be out of commission for 2 days maximum.

This comparison is from roughing in stage up to tiling stage for both the old outdated traditional system and the new and improved stile board system.


Stile Board

The old way of doing things

Plain and simple, you save 10-14 days on your bathroom renovation. Plumbing and electrical roughing into positions. This is the stage before the stile board system or wall lining/rendering commences. All electrical and plumbing points are to be set in position.

Wall lining or Rendering
up to 0 days
Wall lining or Rendering
up to 0 days
This is the first stage after roughing in for a typical bathroom renovation using the traditional methods. CFC wall lining is estimated at 2 days completion including setting. Rendering is estimated at 1 day for completion plus 4 -5 days dry time prior to applying a membrane.
up to 0 days
up to 0 days

Waterproofing bathroom.
This is the next stage in a typical bathroom renovation with the traditional method of applying waterproof membrane to the substrate floors and walls. Estimated 2-3 days completion
Screeding, Drytime and Waterproofing
up to 0 days
Screeding, Drytime and Waterproofing
up to 0 days

Screeding floors to achieve correct falls. Screeding with a sand and cement bedding to achieve correct falls to drains. The Stile board single slope panels or 4-way slope panels have the 1:80 falls as part of the panels as per the correct BCA requirement. Every tiler will agree that this part of process is the messiest part of the bathroom renovation. Estimated 1 day completion. Requires 3-4 days dry time before a waterproof membrane can be applied for the purpose of limiting efflorescence.


up to 0 days
up to 0 days
up to 14 days
up to 14 days

Our Team

Our team of experts are passionate about delivering a superior product that’s more cost-effective, takes far less time to install and has a lifetime guarantee

Alexi Fahad


Paul Linkenbagh profile

Paul Likenbagh

Marketing Manager

Tony Nehme

ACT wholesaler

Alec Stevens


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